

What is your birthstone?


What is your favorite piece of jewelry and why?

I have an aquamarine ring that my Grandmother gave me before she passed. Growing up I remember her always wearing it. Now whenever I look at it or wear it, I smile and think about her.

When did you start your journey in the jewelry industry?

Yikes, now I am dating myself! I started in the industry in 1988. I fell in love with all things jewelry and stayed in the industry for most of my adult life.

What do you love most about Olympia?

I love the beauty of Olympia. My husband and I enjoy Motorcycling, and there are so many fantastic back roads in the Oly area that make for an enjoyable ride.

What is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face?

So many things do. Let me see, delicious food and tasty wine, spending time with my family and friends, and entertaining are some of my top loves in life that make me smile.

What is your ultimate dream vacation?

Since I am dreaming, I would love to go to Turks and Cacaos and stay at a fully staffed luxury Villa on the beach.

What's something on your "bucket list"?

France is on my bucket list. The wine, the countryside, the food, yes please!

What is your favorite quote or saying?

You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.

Which are YOU?! UW Husky or WSU Cougar?

Go Cougs!

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